Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Toefl Exercise

2. the languages of the world presents a vast array of structural similarities and differences
                Presents (wrong) : this should be “present” as the subject is plural.
3.  the rise of multinationals have resulted in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinationals can operate in so many jurisdictions
                Have (wrong) : this auxiliary “have” should be “has”  because the subject is singular.
4. all of the east-west interstate highways in the united states has even numbers, while north-south interstate highways are odd-numbered
                Has (wrong) : this should be “have” as the subject is plural.
5. when a massive star in the large magellanic cloud exploded in 1987, a wave of neutrinos were  detected on earth
                Were (wrong) : this should “was” as the subject is singular.
6. every open space in the targeted area that has grass and a few bushes are occupied by the write-crowned sparrow
                                Targeted (wrong) : this should be “target” – as noun adjunct .
7. karakota is remembered as the volcano that put so much as into the air that sunsets around the world was affected for two years afterward
                Afterward (wrong) : this should be “afterwards”
8. the term “Yankee” was originally a nickname for people from new England, but now anyone from  the United States are referred to as a Yankee
                Are (wrong)  : this should be “is” as the subject is singular
9. a network of small arteries, mostly sandwiched between the skin and the underlying muscles, supply blood to the face and scalp
                Supply (Wrong) : this should “Supplies” as the subject is singular.
10. mesquite is a small tree in the Southwest who can withstand the severest drought
                Who (Wrong) : this should “that”  or “which” as the subject is not a human being.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

workpaper campus (revisi)

EXERCISE  1 (No.1) In the morning after the concert was tired (FALSE)
-          In the morning after the concert ” I” was tired
* There is no subject. So it should be added to the subject. The sentence has a verb "tired" so that the subject  “I”  and the verbtired.
EXERCISE 1 (No. 6) the new student in the class very talkative and friendly (FALSE)
-          The new student in the class “is” very  talkative and friendly
* The above sentence no verb, so it must be added the verbis”. above sentence includes a sentence is singular. The subject of the sentence above isthe new student.
EXERCISE 2 (No.9) the plane from New York circling the airport (FALSE)
-          The plane from New York “is” circling the airport
*  The sentence above is wrong because it doesn’t have a verb, so it must be added the verbis”. above sentence includes a sentence with a singular and the subject ofthe plane”.

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

campus workpaper

·         In the office of the building across the street from the park on the corner (FALSE)
- The office is on the corner of the building across the street from the park.
·         The docter gave the patient a prescription (TRUE)
·         The whales headed shouth for the winter (TRUE) 


The 'Test of English as a Foreign Language', or TOEFL), evaluates the ability of an individual to use and understand english in an academic setting.
Sometimes it is an admission requirement for non-native English speakers at many English-speaking colleges and universities. Additionally, institutions such as government agencies, licensing bodies, businesses, or scholarship programs may require this test. A TOEFL score is valid for two years and then will no longer be officially reported. since a candidat’s language proficiency could have significantly changed since the date of the test. Colleges and universities usually consider only the most recent TOEFL score.
The TOEFL test is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS) and is administered worldwide.
In 1962, a national council made up of representatives of thirty government and private organizations was formed to address the problem on ensuring English language proficiency for non-native speakers wishing to study at American universities. This council recommended the development and administration of the TOEFL exam for the 1963-1964 time frame
The test was originally developed at the Center for Applied Linguistics under the direction of Stanford University applied linguistics professor Dr. Charles A. Ferguson.
The TOEFL was first administered in 1964 by the Modern Language Association financed by grants from the Ford Foundation and Danforth Foundation.
In 1965, The College Board and ETS jointly assumed responsibility for the continuation of the TOEFL testing program.
In 1973, a cooperative arrangement was made between ETS, The College Board, and the Graduate Record Examinations board of advisers to oversee and run the program. ETS was to administer the exam with the guidance of the TOEFL board.

 The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a highly regarded exam that determines proficiency i proficiency in the English language. The exam gauges university aspirants in their ability to use English in both academic and business environment; it is used world-wide in university and college admissions departments.
Yesterday's TOEFL article presented a general overview along with tips for exam registration. Today, we discuss in-depth the exam's structure and how test takers are evaluated.
The Internet Based TOEFL exam has four separate tests -- reading, listening, speaking and writing. The following diagram displays the exam structure:
a.      Structure of Reading Test

-          Three to five academic reading passages followed by comprehension questions that measure the ability to understand and analyse the meaning of the passages.
-          Similar question types from the computer-based TOEFL test.
-          New question types:
·         Demonstrate they have learned what they have read, either by filling out a table or completing a narrative summary.
·         Choose a correct paraphrase of a reading.
-          New features that make the testing experience easier for test takers, including a glossary and review feature.

b.      Structure of Listening Test

-          Two to three conversations that include two or more speakers in each.
-          Four to six lectures, which include classroom dialogue.
-          Opportunity to take notes while listening.
-          Similar question types from the computer-based TOEFL test.
-          New question types that measure test takers' ability to understand a speaker's attitude or meaning.

c.       Structure of Speaking Test

-          Total of six tasks to be completed by the test taker.
-          Two independent tasks about familiar topics.
·         Test takers state, explain and support their response using personal knowledge and experience.
-          Two tasks based on Reading and Listening material.
·         Tasks include a short reading passage and a short talk.
·         Questions require test takers to combine information from both the reading and the listening material.
·         One task is based on a campus-related situation, and the other is based on academic classroom material.
·         Test takers can take notes and use them to respond.
-          Two tasks based on Listening material, including a short lecture or conversation.
·         Questions require test takers to summarise key ideas from the talks in the responses.
·         One task is based on a campus-related situation, and the other is based on academic classroom material.
·         Test takers can take notes and use them to respond.
-          Trained evaluators gauge test takers' ability in:
·         Topic development -- show they understand and can make connections, and convey relevant information.
·         Delivery -- use clear, smooth, sustained speech for overall intelligibility.
·         Language use -- control of grammar and word choice, and respond coherently.
d.      Structure of Writing Test

-          Total of two tasks to be completed by the test taker.
-          One Reading/Listening/Writing task -- an academic reading followed by a lecture
·         Test takers must answer a question discussing the key points in the lecture and explain how they relate to those in the reading passage.
·         Reading passage appears first, then is removed from the screen during the lecture. Test takers can view the passage again while responding to the question.
-          One independent task about a familiar topic
·         Test takers state, explain and support their response using personal knowledge and experience.
-          Trained evaluators gauge test takers' ability to demonstrate an understanding of the material, as well as write clearly, accurately and in a well-organised manner.
-          The integrated skills approach to assessment reflects real English use in everyday university situations -- both in and out of the classroom.

àTOEFL Score Scales
Each of the four sections of TOEFL iBT is scored on a scale of 0 to 30. The sectional scores are then added to arrive at a total score of 0 to 120. Each score will also correspond to a percentile ranking, which shows how an individual score compares with the score of other students who have taken the same test.
The maximum score of 120 will have a percentile of 100, a score of 100 may have a percentile of, say, 89, a score of 75 a percentile of 59 and so on. In addition to the sectional scores, the total score and the percentile, students will also receive score descriptors of what the numeric scores mean in terms of language skills and proficiency (high/medium/low), along with performance feedback including suggestions for improvement. 
 Score scales are similar for the Reading section and the Listening section. The score values from 0-30 do not represent the number of questions a student answered correctly. If a student gets 35 questions right out of a total of 40 questions, he/ she will get a raw score of 35, which will then be scaled to give a range of 25-27. This scale estimate provides a general guide only, the actual score varying a little within this range.
The six tasks in the Speaking section are rated by at least two human scorers on a scale of 0-4. The six individual scores are averaged to arrive at an aggregate value. This aggregate is then converted to the scale of 0 to 30. 
Likewise in the Writing section the two tasks are scored by at least two human scorers independently from 0 to 5 and then the raw scores are totaled/averaged before scaling them to the range of 0 to 30.


Many people say love is beautiful, but in my opinion, love is when we get together with the whole family and having fun with the loved ones.


Al-Quran is a way of life for moslems which should always be read by the moslems. Al-Quran gives a lot of knowledge about ancient events and provide enlightenmen000t for the readers. Moslems must follow all the rules and stay away from all restrictions. Moslems who feel an xios or busy must try to read Al-Quran every day. Allah loves his creatures and if one wants to get closer to Allah he must read Al-Quran.


Having many friends is a joy for me. Because a friend is someone who can understand my problems. Friends always there when we feel good or bad and always share stories.

laboratory Gunadarma University

When I first time registered to become a Lab. Assistant basic management, I was not sure. Because more than 100 students sign up to be a Lab.assistant5. I went through step by step, various tests have been given and there are some students who failed. But idid not give up and kept trying to become an assistant. The final stage only 6 people who there were could succeed.  Finally, I was one of them.

laboratory Gunadarma University

Being a Lab. Assistant basic management is an honor for me. Since many students keep trying to become the basic management of the laboratory assistant. However, a Lab.assistant is not as easy as you think. A Lab Assistant must have good capabilities, very healthy and can communicate with each other.

laboratory Gunadarma University

Laboratory is a place for supporting lesson carried out when there is no ultimate lecture or lesson. Each Lab. Has an assistant who is one of student GUnadrma University. Many students who want to become a Lab assistant for instant a Lab. In Gunadarma University. Such as Management Lab, Accounting Lab, Technical Lab, etc.

semester 6

In semester 6 is a time for all students of the Gunadarma University perform scientific research tasks and where the students are busy with many tasks, whether guven by le lecturers or other tasks. Scientific research is a tasks which the student must make short thesis on one company’s analysis whether the company is making good profit or not. All students of the Gunadarma University always keep trying to resolve in a timely manner.