Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Development and International Accounting Classification


Accounting standards and practices in each country are the result of complex interactions between economic, historical, and cultural institutions. Predictably be the difference between countries. Factors affecting the development of national accounting may also help explain the differences in accounting between nations.

International Accounting is accounting for international transactions, comparisons between countries of different accounting principles and harmonization of accounting standards in the areas of tax authorities, auditing and other accounting areas. Accounting must be developed in order to provide the required information in decision-making in the company on any changes in the business environment.

Here are the characteristics of the era of the global economy:
1.      International business
2.      The loss of boundaries between the State's global economy it is often difficult to identify the country of origin of a product or company, it is going to multinational companies
3.      Dependence on international trade

There are eight (8) factors that influence the development of international accounting:
1.      Sources of funding
In countries with strong equity markets, accounting has focused on how well the management runs the company (profitability), and is designed to help investors analyze future cash flows and related risks. Instead, the credit-based system in which the bank is a major source of funding, accounting has focused on creditor protection through conservative accounting measurement.
2.      Legal System
The western world has two basic orientations: the legal code (civilian) and the common law (case). In code law countries, law is a comprehensive group that includes provisions and procedures thus accounting rules incorporated in national laws and tend to be very complete. In contrast, common law develops on a case by case basis without any attempt to cover all the cases in the complete code.
3.      Taxation
In most countries, the tax code is effectively set the standard because the company had record revenue and expenses in their accounts to claim it for tax purposes. While a separate tax and financial accounting, tax rules sometimes require the application of certain accounting principles.
4.      Association of Political and Economic
5.      Inflation
Inflation causes distortion of the historical cost accounting and influencing trends (tendencies) of a State to apply the changes to the company accounts.
6.      Level of Economic Development
This factor affects the types of business transactions conducted in the economy and determine which are most important.
7.      Level of Education
Standard accounting practices are very complex would be useless if misunderstood and misused. Disclosures about derivative securities risk would not be informative unless it is read by the competent authorities.
8.      Culture
The four dimensions of national culture, according to Hofstede: individualism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity.

Dimension Value Accounting Accounting Practices Affecting:
1.      Professionalism versus control mandatory preference to the implementation of the balance of individual and professional self regulation among professional compared to compliance with specified provisions of law.
2.      Uniformity versus flexibility preference for uniformity and consistency than flexibility in reacting to a particular situation
3.      Conservatism versus optimism
4.      Confidentiality versus transparency preferences and restrictions of confidentiality of business information on the basis of need to know than the willingness to disclose information to the public.

Reasons Go International companies:
1.      Theory pf comparative advantage
2.      Imperfect market theory
3.      Product cycle theory
4.      Technology transfer and Strategic Alliance

The challenge for the profession of accountants in the development of accounting:
1.      Skill and competence
2.      Understanding Cross Functional Linkages, accountants are not only quite adept in the techniques, procedures and accounting standards but should also look at the business as a common integrated form. Such as: product quality, production flexibility and the ability to produce and export quickly to win the global competition bias
3.      Financial analysis and comparison


Classification is fundamental to understand and analyze why and how the national accounting system is different. We can also analyze whether these systems tend to converge or differ. The purpose of classification is to group financial accounting system according to particular characteristics. The classification reveals the basic structure in which the group members have in common and what distinguishes the groups varied from each other. By identifying similarities and differences, our understanding of the accounting system would be better.
            International accounting classification can be done in two ways: With consideration and empirically. Classification of the considerations depend on knowledge, intuition and experience. Classification empirically using statistical methods to collect data accounting principles and practices around the world.

There are four classifications Approach
The initial classification was proposed by Mueller mid-1960s. He identified four approaches to the development of accounting in Western countries with market-oriented economic system.
1.      Based approach to macroeconomics, accounting practices derived from and designed to enhance national macroeconomic objectives. The company's goal is generally to follow and not lead the national policy, as business enterprises mengordinasikan their activities with national policy. Therefore, for example, a national policy in the form of stable employment with avoiding major changes in the business cycle will result in a leveling of income accounting practices. Or, to encourage the development of a particular industry, a State may permit rapid removal of capital expenditure on some of these industries. Accounting in Sweden developed from macroeconomic approach.
2.      based approach to microeconomics, accounting evolved from the principles of microeconomics. The focus lies on the individual company has a goal to survive. To achieve this goal, the company must maintain physical capital owned. It is equally important that the company clearly separates capital from profits to evaluate and control business activities. Accounting measures that are based on the replacement cost was strongly supported by most suited to this approach. Accountancy in the Netherlands developed from microeconomics.
3.      by an independent disciplinary approach, derived from accounting and business practices developed on an ad hoc basis, with the base slowly from consideration, trial and error. Accounting services regarded as a function of the concepts and principles taken from the executed business processes, rather than a branch of science like economics. Businesses are facing real-world complexity and uncertainty that always happens through experience, practice and intuition. Accounting evolved in the same way. For example, profit is simply the most useful thing in a pragmatic and disclosure practices in response to the needs of the users. Accounting evolved independently in the United Kingdom and the United States.
4.      based approach to a uniform, standardized accounting and is used as a tool for administrative control by the central government. Uniformity in the measurement, disclosure and presentation of accounting information makes it easy to control all types of businesses. In general, a unified approach is used in countries with large government ketelibatan in perncanaan economy in which accounting is used among others to measure performance, allocate resources, collect taxes and control prices. France, with a uniform chart of national accounting is a major supporter of a uniform accounting approach.

Accounting can also be classified by the legal system of a State.
1.      Accounting in common law countries have a character-oriented presentation, transparency and full disclosure and the separation between financial and tax accounting. The stock market is dominating the financial resources and financial reporting needs infrmasi shown to outside investors. Accounting law commonly referred to as Anglo-Saxon.
2.      Accounting in code law countries have the characteristics oriented, legalistic, do not allow the disclosure of the amount is less, and the fit between the financial and tax ankuntansi. Bank or financial ksumber dominated government and financial reporting and financial reporting aimed at creditor protection. Accounting is also called continental. Providing accounting parallelize the character referred to as a model of shareholders and other interested parties kelila corporate governance role in state common law and code law.

Many differences in national accounting is becoming increasingly lost. There are several reasons for this
a.       Hundreds of companies today recorded its shares on a stock exchange outside of their home country,
b.      Some State law code, in particular Germany and Japan to transfer responsibility establishment of accounting standards from the government to the private sector and independent professionals,
c.       The importance of the stock market as a source of funding is growing around the world.

Classification is based Padada fair presentation versus legal compliance pose a major influence on many accounting issues, such as
1)      depreciation, where the load is determined by a decrease usability of an asset over the useful economic (fair presentation) or the amount allowed for tax purposes (legal compliance),
2)      leases that have substance purchases of fixed assets are treated as such (fair presentation) or are treated as operating leases usual (legal compliance),
3)      pension costs are accrued at the time generated by the employee (fair presentation) or charged by the basic pay at the time of stopping work (legal compliance).


There are two approaches to the classification of the accounting system are:
1)      Deductive Approach
In connection with this deductive approach, there are four approaches in the development of accounting:
                                                             I.      Macroeconomic Pattern
In this approach can be seen that in fact the accounting for business is closely linked to national economic policy. The company's goal is usually to follow the national economic policy. Some countries are using this approach is Swedish, French, and German.
                                                          II.       icroeconomic Pattern
In this approach is seen as a branch of economics accounting business. The concept of accounting is derivation of economic analysis. The main concept is how to maintain a capital investment in a business entity.
                                                       III.      Independent Discipline Approach
Accounting is seen as a function derived from the services and business practices. The United States and Britain embraced this approach.\
                                                          iv.      Uniform Accounting Approach

Accounting is seen as an efficient tool for the administration and control. In this case, the accounting is used to facilitate the use and good uniformity measurement, disclosure and presentation as well as a means of control for all types of businesses and consumers, including the manager, government and tax authorities.

Classification is done G. G. Mueller, published in The International Journal of Accounting (Spring 1968), who used an assessment of economic development, the complexity of business, political and social situation of the legal system, dividing countries into 10 groups based accounting system are:
• United States / Canada / Netherlands
• British Commonwealth Countries
• Germany / Japan
• Mainland Europe (not including West Germany, the Netherlands and Scandinavia)
• Scandinavian
• Israel / Mexico
• South America
• Developing Countries
• Africa (excluding South Africa)
• Communist Countries

2.      Inductive Approach
While Nair and Frank in The Accounting Review (July 1980) divides countries into large Group 5: (1) a model British Commonwealth, (2) model Latin America / South Europe, (3) model of Northern and Central Europe, (4 ) model of the United States and (5) Chile based on differences in the practice of disclosure and presentation. Nair and Frank also assess the relationship of grouping countries by a number of variables such as language, economic structure and trade. Apparently there is a difference between disclosure and measurement in each group State.

While Nobes in the Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (Spring 1983) identified factors that distinguish accounting system are:
         Type of users of financial statements published
         The level of legal certainty.
         tax rules in the measurement.
         The level of conservatism.
         The level of rigor in the application of historical cost.
         Adjustment of replacement cost.
         Practice consolidation.
         Ability to obtain provisions.
         Uniformity among companies in implementing regulations


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