Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

International Accounting Different From Other Accounting

Scope of Accounting
Accounting must be responsive to the changing needs of society and must reflect the conditions of cultural, economic, legal, social and political environment of the communities in which it operates. Thus accounting should be fixed in a useful position technically and socially. History of accounting and accountants, showed changes continuously, a process that seems passable accounting consistently. At one time, more like a system of accounting records for certain banking services and for tax collection plan. Then came the double-entry bookkeeping to meet the needs of the trading business.

International Accounting:
aimed at expanding public accounting (general purpose) nationally oriented, in a broad sense for:
        Comparative analysis of international
        Measurement of the accounting reporting issues unique to business transaksi2 mulitnasional
        accounting for the needs of international financial markets
        harmonization of financial reporting diversity through political activities, organizations, professions and manufacturing standards

Internationalization of Accounting Profession
International investment community would want the international cooperation between professional accountants and the organizations - organizations internasionaal accounting professionals must be able to provide a better harmony in the world.
International Professional Practice
International practice of accounting professionals found in 3 levels, which is almost parallel to the structure idustri sectors of the economy or the general organizational pattern of sisttem provision of professional services. Depth is the most integrated companies "Big Six" yaang domiciled in the United States-United Kingdom, which has a single name throughout the world. Although there are some operational differences anara into six companies, they are similar to each lainnya.Ada profit sharing among partners throughout the world. Technical accounting, auditing and consulting services globally harmonized through complicated procedures. Example: ernest & young, At the second level there are 8 to 10 companies that operate globally with one name but with base atar federation of national companies selected. Instigated under the name combines the advantages of international and professional work standards internationally agreed with national corporate identity and business development efforts in their countries. Ex: gramnd Thornton.
Cooperation at the third level is informal and often limited basis: If it takes "Located on professional accounting firms in regional and small accounting firms as well as individual practitioners whice working with CPA office

There are three main forces that drive international dimension into the accounting field that continues to grow. The power that power is
1.       Environmental factors,
2.      Internationalization and accounting disciplines, and
3.      internationalization of the accounting profession.

Environmental Factors
Both developed countries or developing countries big or small in one hemisphere or the other, everyone having a closer international relations and high economic dependence. There are 15 environmental factors that have an impact on accounting. Electoral lists are subjective and may change with time.
Internationalization of Accounting Discipline
Three key factors have played a decisive role in internationalism (field or discipline) accounting:
1. Specialization
As with any medicine, now specializes in accounting is a fact for example in the USA and Jerman.akuntansi internasionak is a recognized expertise in the field of accounting, together with government accounting, tax accounting, auditing, management accounting, accounting systems and behavior of information.
2.The international nature of a number of technical problems erdagangan international business operations multinasinal, foreign investment and market transactions are unique problems in accounting internationalism
3. Historical reasons
The history is the history of international accounting. Double entry bookkeeping which is considered as the origin of the current accounting that migrated to several countries including Indonesia. Wansan accounting thus, is international


International accounting differences with other accounting found in:
        The report is a multinational company (multinational company - MNC).
        Operation transactions across borders - borders.
        Reporting addressed to users located in countries other than the company.
Three Field Scope International Accounting
1. Measurement
2. Disclosure
3. Auditing
Trend International Accounting
1.      Accounting widely used in various countries, but each - each country to implement the standards and practice of accounting in accordance with national law.Finally, to this day continue to be able to narrow the differences in the measurement, disclosure, and auditing.

Role of Accounting in the Trade and Capital Flows
1.      Studying international accounting is one of the efforts to reduce differences in the perception of accounting.
2.      All countries tend to reduce barriers to Trade and control of capital / investment
3.      IT advancements led to radical changes in the economy, production and distribution

 Along with business and financial markets that have a lot towards internationalization, as well as differences in international accounting becomes more important from the standpoint of international financial statement analysis. International accounting differences brought a number of problems from the point of view of financial analysis.
1.      First, in an effort to assess foreign companies, there is a tendency to look at income and other financial data from the point of view of his home country, and because of the danger of ignoring the effects of accounting differences. Unless significant differences were taken into account, possibly with some involvement restatement, it may have very serious consequences.
2.      Second, awareness of international differences suggest the need to be familiar with accounting principles foreign country as a destination to get to know better income data in the context of measurement.
3.      Third, the issue of the nature that can be compared and harmonization of accounting is reviewed in the context of alternative investment opportunities.
The differences that arise due to:
1.      economic growth,
2.       inflation,
3.      political system,
4.      education,
5.       accounting profession,
6.      tax laws,
7.       money market, and
8.      capital.

In this case, Choi and Levich (1991) provides a useful framework to analyze the impact and relevance of the similarities and differences in the economic environment is not resemblance. In environments or situations similar to accounting, accounting difference is un logisan and clues to the results can not be compared. Logical practices suggested accounting treatment similar / same. When the economic environment is not the same, but, as in the case of international investment, accounting differences can be justified, particularly where lies the inequalities that exist in corporate governance, tax laws, finance, business customs, culture, accounting and so on. On the other hand, a similar accounting treatment may be justified when several factors have some significant similarities. Understanding the importance of environmental factors and cultural / culture are concerned.

4.      In a survey to examine how capital market participants respond to differences in accounting, Choi and Levich exemplifies the opinions of institutional investors, multinational company that issued the securities, the bank under international securities, and regulatory agencies. Only 48% of all respondents interviewed influenced by differences in international accounting, but it seems 52% of respondents claimed not affected by differences in accounting facts "coping" a variety of factors, including:
·         The development capabilities of foreign GAAP,
·         Repeat their own accounts with GAAP,
·         Use other sources of information, and
·         Using different investment approaches, such as macro-economic approach "top-down" or from the top down to the state paired with a diversified selection of shares in the country.
Similar approach, used by the respondents which investment decisions likely influenced by differences in accounting. The results of this study suggest that the problems and costs arising from differences in international accounting are very real and need to be investigated further to be researched and resolved. In the end, there is a clear need to look at the differences and their impact on the measurement of income and corporate performance.


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